Anderson and Pichert (1978)

Uses: schema

Aim: to investigate if schema processing influences encoding and retrieval


Method: true experiment



  • Participants were split into two groups in the encoding stage, then the two groups are split again into 4 groups during the retrieval stage

  • Participants heard the story and the maximum point you can get is 72 points.

  • Half the participants were asked to view the story as a house buyer and the other half as burglars

  • They were tested on their memorization (? Not sure about this step)

  • After a distraction task (12 minutes), half of the participants in both groups got another schema, burglar switched to buyer and vice versa

  • The other half were tested on their original schema.



  • Changed schema recalled 7% more points in the in the second recall than in the first one

  • Participants who were asked to switch schema recalled more points than the other half who kept the same schema.

  • Recall of points that were directly linked to the new schema increased by 10 per cent, whereas recall of points that were important to the previous schema declined.

  • The group that continued with the first schema actually remembered less at the second trial than the first trail.



  • Schema processing has effects on encoding and retrieval, because the new schema could only have influenced recall at the retrieval stage.

  • People encoded information that are irrelevant to their current schema, since people who are originally buyers remembered stuff only burglars care about and irrelevant to themselves.




  • High internal validity, low ecological validity

  • Prior personal knowledge and experience

  • Participant differences

  • Cause and effect relationship

  • Replicable

  • Sampling bias

  • 2x2 experimental design

Pichert, J. W., & Anderson, R. C. (1977). Taking different perspectives on a story. Journal of Educational Psychology, 69(4), 309–315.