Corkin et al 1997

Uses: Localisation of function / Study design (case study) / Technique (MRI)

Aim: Using MRI to identify the degree to which the damage to H.M's brain was localised to the medial temporal lobe, thus determining the function of the hippocampus relating to creating new declarative memory.

Method: Case study


  • MRI was taken of H.M. when he was 66 and 67. (information on HM refer to the main localisation page)

  • The images were compared to a controlled subject who was male and the same age as HM.


The MRI scan showed that HM's brain resection was localised and close to the approximation of Scoville, in fact even smaller than what Scoville have described.


HM's bilateral medial temporal lobe resection was localised.



  • Confirms the localization of the damage within HM's medial temporal lobe. SUPPORT the theory of localisation.

  • Compared to another compared subject (male) of the same age to show the difference between the structures.


  • Ensured consent but due to anterograde amnesia, the degree of consent is questionable.

Suzanne Corkin, David G. Amaral, R. Gilberto González, Keith A. Johnson and Bradley T. Hyman

Journal of Neuroscience 15 May 1997, 17 (10) 3964-3979; DOI: