Glanzer and Cunitz (1966)
Uses: multistore model of memory
Aim: to investigate the recency effect on free recall
Method: true experiment, repeated measure
46 army enlisted men
shown words on a screen for 1 second with a 2 second interval in between each word
each word list had 15 words, and they saw a total of 15 word lists
After each word list, they were either asked to recall immediately, or count from a certain number for 10 or 30 seconds before the recall.
Participants tested individually and the order of the lists is randomized
In immediate recall, both primacy and recency effects are shown. In the 10-second interference task, there is a significant reduction in recency effect, and in the 30-second interference task, there is no trace of recency effect.
Interference tasks can eliminate potential recency effects.
Murray Glanzer, Anita R. Cunitz,
Two storage mechanisms in free recall,
Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior,
Volume 5, Issue 4,
Pages 351-360,
ISSN 0022-5371,