Wason (1968)

Uses: Matching bias, heuristics, models of thinking, duel processing model


The aim of this study was to investigate the heuristic of confirmation bias and the errors people make in logical tasks based on heuristics.




Research Method: Lab Experiment


Participants were asked to complete a test of logical reasoning now called the Wason Selection Task. In this task they are shown cards, such as the ones below, and asked the following question: "Which card(s) must be turned over to test the idea that if a card shows an even number on one face, then its opposite face is red?". The cards shown were 3, 8, red, and brown.




Most participants give the incorrect answer, which is to turn over the cards with number 8 and the red card. Less than 10% of participants give the correct answer, which is to turn over the number 8 card and brown card.

matching bias: in an abstract problem, we tend to be overly influenced by the wording (or context) of the question.
